The Full Story of
Teri England Attire

Early Years
I didn’t know it then but my love of vintage fashion started from an early age. In the late 70s I was dragged around various jumble sales and second hand junk shops by my young mum looking for a bargain on a tight budget.
This way of thrifting has stayed with me in varying degrees since then and I couldn’t be happier knee deep in vintage; whether it’s homewares, furniture, or fabric but especially 60s fashion.
Teri England Attire was officially born in 2006 as a result of a long love affair with the mod/scooter scene and the distinct lack of superior handmade 1960's style outfits. TEA was only ever meant to be a hobby for when my children were small. Since then it’s grown beyond my expectations and I still get excited by my finds and bridal creations.
Recent Years
Here at TEA, vintage clothing and accessories sit collectively together with original tailor made creations to indulge every style craving.
I’ve had the absolute honour of making many bridal dresses/outfits over the years and each client remains a friend long after their special day is over.
I’ve been lucky enough to supply vintage pieces to The National Theatre in London and also 70s era TV detective programme Dalgleish. I was blown away to be chosen to take part in Her Majesty Queens Platinum Jubilee Pageant in 2022 which was one of the best days of my life/career.
Part of my of TEA career has been dedicated to creating many one off vintage style wedding outfits; including 1960s inspired bridal gowns and dresses. Many clients travel far and wide for personal one to one consultations and fittings, together we perfect their dream design for their special day. Theres always an overwhelming joy creating a custom piece which will be loved and cherished and this is just as important to me as sourcing true vintage fashion.
I always say there is a mini army of friends and family behind TEA helping and supporting me in my business journey. From my beautiful models who always step up when needed for photoshoots to my brilliant “Mr Fix It” husband for all the lifting, shifting and fixing. My amazing son created this incredible website and his technical talent amazes me every day for which I am truly grateful.
Check out my recent interview about my first scooter rally with the lovely Ali from Diary of a Detour: